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I am passionate about data science, machine learning and all the surrounding. I have started my PhD in October 2013 on a bioinformatics topic related to metagenomics, but after more than one year and a great publication on the Science journal, I had to leave the topic due to the lack of founds and since April 2015 I have jumped in the Fraud Detection and Streaming Analytics universe. I am currently working with Apache Spark, its Streaming and Machine Learning built-in packages. The goal of my research is the developing of a scalable application for automatic fraud detection.



Big Data Analytics

Curently implementing a Fraud Detection pipelines which includes Kafka + Spark + Cassandra.

10/2013 - ongoing

"ULB" - Université Libre de Bruxelles

PhD studies

Machine Learning

Modelling of temporal ensemble of models.

Fraud Detection

Knowledge of state-of-the-art techniques.

Active Learning

Important challange in case where the class labels are expensive to obtain.

10/2009 - 03/2013

University of Bologna "Alma Mater Studiorum"

Master degree in Information Systems for Business and Finance

09/2005 - 03/2009

University of Chieti-Pescara "G. D'Annunzio"

Bachelor degree in Economics and Computer Science

Imbalanced Data

Important challange in fraud detection.

Semi-supervised Learning

Can be a winning strategy for partially labeled datasets.

Unsupervised Learning

Learning from unlabeled dataset.

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